Monday, April 14, 2008

The pieces are really falling into place

So, I found out 12 days ago that I was to leave for Tanzania in 50 days. That's 50 days to settle all my accounts here for the next 7 months, find a new home in Arusha, raise a substantial amount of support, put together a prayer team, buy a 4WD rig and learn how to drive on the opposite side of the road on the other side of the 4WD rig driving a few other things.

Because of the rapidity of this, many friends and family have asked over the last 2 weeks if I feel this is the right thing to do. Am I sure that I can put all the pieces together that fast? Am I sure that the entire continent of Africa will not just swallow me up when I arrive because I don't have a single one of these items fully accomplished yet and leave in just 5 weeks?

It's made me think an awful lot and each time I am reminded of what believing, what faith, is really about. Faith...believing in what is not known; what I cannot confirm; what I cannot see and what I have a darn hard time explaining at times.

Would it take as much faith for me to leave my job if I knew where I was going? Would it take as much faith to head on over to Tanzania if all the details were worked out? For me, the answer is a pretty firm no. I'm not saying kudos to ErinStacy because she has faith. What I am saying and what I am really learning is that if God is going to be the leader in my life, then I had better learn how to follow, even if I have no idea where I am being led. It's really easy for me to follow if I know all the steps to the dance. It's another thing for me to step out on the dance floor, blindfolded and not knowing what genre of music is about to be played. A bit uncomfortable? Heck yes.

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