Saturday, May 3, 2008

From Oregon to Arizona to New York....

OK. Note to all those road trippers: driving from Arizona to New York is actually longer than it appears. I just finished the drive: 2650 miles, 36 hours of driving, 6 tanks of gas, 19 Harry Potter audio CD's and 13 bathroom breaks. Uh, yeah, it's long.

The delight in the entire trip, aside from the thrill of calculating how many miles per gallon I averaged with each gas company (BP was the winner), was getting to stay with Jenny and Andrew. I had planned the first day to the T: leave Scottsdale at 5:30am, drive for 12 1/2 hours, and arrive into Texas at 6:00pm.

Jenny realized the first miscalculation, or better, non-calculation, around lunch. Texas is 2 hours ahead of Arizona. Arrival now pushed back to 8:00pm. Then, somehow, after stopping for only 21 minutes all day, the drive was almost 90 minutes longer than planned. I arrived, albeit a bit grumpy, tired, and stiff, into Wichita Falls at 9:17pm. At least I got a few hours with my friends. Just so good.

I did have one interesting thing happen to me. When I was finally pulling off the last interstate, just 15 miles from home and HUNGRY, I pulled up to a stop light. I was the third car in line. Lord Voldemort was just about to kill Harry Potter (Book 7) when BAM! I was attacked by a bicycle. No joke. Someone just decided to run into the side of my car. At this point, I am slightly bewildered. Am I in trouble? Did I hit someone? How do I report getting hit by a bicycle? I got out of the car and realized that the bike rider appeared to be lit. How many? No clue, but enough to run into a stopped car. He was okay and got on his bike and peddled on off, swaying from one side of the yellow line to the other.

Now, just one more travel adventure to go...


Abby Green said...

Hi Erinstacy! I've just read this one post so far...but I'm loving it!! thanks for having a blog to share your adventures with all of us. The funny thing, is that tomorrow we are starting our drive from NYC to AZ! lots of love and hugs!

Steffany said...

Wow. I loved catching up on the emotional details of your journey thus far by reading all of your blog entries. You are a fabulous writer! What a wonderful and a delight this new season is...and oh, how I will be praying that the Lord blesses you as you honor Him in this huge way. I'm so excited for you!!!!

Wayne said...
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Wayne said...

Sounds like such a fun trip full of excitement and adventure! Thanks for making such a mundane road trip so interesting to read about. I just wish I would have been able to do it with you. Glad you're home safe and that the killer deer didn't get you!

Loren said...

I am so glad you made it safely, but even more glad I figured out how to leave a blog note! phew!! I am glad you are going on this trip, although I will miss you very much. It is good that you can write in such a way that it keeps your personality alive:-)