Friday, September 5, 2008

Thoughts on the guards

Earlier this week, while reading my Bible out on the porch, on of the scriptures really came alive to me.

I was reading Mark 13:32-35. "...Therefore keep watch because you do no know when the owner of the house will come back--whether in the evening, or at midnight, or when the rooster crows, or at dawn. If he comes suddenly, do not let him find you sleeping. What I say to you I say to everyone: Watch!"

We have guards who watch our home: day and night, everyday. Part of the guards job is to make sure that ErinStacy comes and goes safely. They are to open the gate when I come home at night as well as let me out in the morning. They often have no idea when I will be coming or going, so they need to keep watch and be ready when my car pulls up to open the gates wide and let me in.

Last week, we just got a new set of guards. The old guards were always sleeping when I left in the morning and several times, we not there in the afternoon when I came home (one time, they fell asleep and I had to climb over the wall which is about 8 ft high and wake them up!). Needless to say, they were never ready when I came home. The consequence for not being prepared was the loss of their jobs.

The new guards are great. I even tried to surprise them this morning when I left at 5:45am to go to the gym. I didn't turn the lights on so they didn't know I was coming. I walked out the door and they were awake, ready to open the gates.

This was a real life example of the verses above and really impressed upon me the need to be constantly ready and alert for His return.


Loren said...

That is a really cool perspective. I totally love this analogy. You should bring your guards a card (if it is OK w/ the culture for women to give men gifts...)and let them know you appreciate them!

ErinStacy said...

Well, we actually did want to include them in stuff. I had the idea to invite them in to play Twister but my roommates informed me that was culturally inappropriate. Besides, they said they smell and twister is not a game to play with odors.

Steffany said...

Twister? Only you, ErinStacy, would come up with that solution for breaking down cultural barriers. Oh, you are funny. So great to read this spiritual analogy and think about the importance of being mindful, every day, every hour, that He could return at any moment.

Unknown said...

Dear Erin,

I couldn’t believe my eyes today, when I received a letter from Kuyani (Our Compassion sponsor child) and saw a picture of him with all of the stuff we sent over with you! I can’t believe you found him. Thank you so very much for doing this for us!! I would love to hear the story of how you found him… Did it take days? Another car breakdown?...  He looked so happy! It has been so good to read your blogs… You have been on my heart lately, been praying that God would direct your time and heart while you are in Tanzania.

Sarah and I are starting up our next Beth Moore bible study in the next few weeks… Wish you were here to join us. We will be praying for you and holding you up (A bunch of ladies in Prineville who love you lots!)


Hannah Garner

Kimberly said...

Okay, so now I found your blog! :-)

Drop me a note with things you and Megan like and I will see what I can do about sending some over to you with the next team.

You were great to hang out with in Kondoa!! I'm still uploading pics to my flickr account and posting them to my blog. Take a peak when the internet is having a good day.


kucheka said...
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